Turkey Day arrives. Although if my sister had had her druthers, it would be Non-turkey Day. She called me several times before I left home saying things like, "Do we HAVE to have a turkey?" (um, yes.) and "What if we just had a turkey breast?" (um, no.) and "Kroger has bone-in turkey breasts. What if I got two of those? Does anybody eat dark meat anyway?" (no and no, but still...) My sister doesn't like turkey. She's more fond of the pig. But only when it's doctored up with honey, brown sugar, and coke. (Another half-dessert that I forgot to mention.) This year, she used orange juice in lieu of the coke. The ham was decidedly citrus-y. Thankfully, her mother-in-law brought over a bird.
Due to the prep work the night before, we were done with the cooking in record time. I actually had time to sit down and watch the parade. Thankfully, I'd recorded it, so it only took about 20 minutes to see the whole thing (fast forwarding through all the marching bands, high school musical-type acts, singing, commentary, etc.). In short, I watched the balloons, a handful of floats, and Santa. I now realize why I haven't watched the parade in years. It's one big commercial, which I find extremely annoying. I'm watching the Smurf balloon, (Smurf!!) and the commentators start rattling on about how there's going to be a Smurf movie. Another float promotes the return of Hair to Broadway, etc. etc. The highlight of the whole thing was the Fred Hill Briefcase Drill Team. Hi-larious.
Jenna's mother-in-law arrived around 1:00 with the ubiquitous crudité. This year it involved purple cauliflower, but sadly there was no dip. When Shawn asked where the dip was, his mom said, "We don't need that. It's bad for us." While this is undoubtedly true, it seemed rather a moot point seeing as our spread included 1. candied ham 2. sweet potato "casserole" 3. cranberry "salad" 4. cornbread dressing with duck 5. candied green beans with bacon 6. rolls with butter. suffice it to say, not a lot of purple cauliflower was eaten.
after the feast, pretty much everybody lapsed into a food coma.
a few hours later, we reconvened and started going through the sales flyers in the paper. every year, my sister and I swear we're not going to go shopping on Black Friday. And, yes, we're fighting the crowds every single year. so as we're perusing the flyers, my sister says, "These kind of make me want to get up and go shopping." (I should note, that while we do usually end up at the mall every year, we have long since given up the early-bird specials.)
Long story short, my sister asks, "If I went to Kohl's at 4 a.m., would you go with me?" Me: "Why not?" We retire early, hoping for some semblance of rest...
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